Saturday, April 3, 2010

Coloring Easter Eggs

We had a lot of fun coloring eggs this year. You can almost hear Ty saying "Ta-Da" by looking at the picture. I think he broke every egg he touched. It was fun to watch Ben trying to be creative, and it is nice to have Alec coloring independently. I love holidays with children.


Stephanie said...

Happy Easter guys! It looks like you had so much fun.

jamie t. said...

Your boys are getting so big. Looks like your Easter was nice. How much longer until your little one comes. Girl right?

RBell said...

What fun pictures! I love seeing the fun things you and your boys are doing. Give them all squeezes for us!

Aubrey said...

So fun! The boys look so old!! My girls definitely loved the egg dyeing. Molly broke her fair share also. That's when we discovered we had been coloring the eggs that were still raw. Whoops!