It's a boy!! Grant arrived on September 24, 2012 at 3:53am. He weighed 6 lbs - 6 ozs, and was 19 inches long. It was a smooth delivery overall and we are so happy to have him here and healthy. He is surprisingly really blonde with cute little blue eyes, which I guess is now more of a normal for us.
I can hardly believe we now have 5 kids, but here is our adorable bunch and they absolutely love having a new baby brother. Alec and Ty are so pleased to say he looks like them.
He is so sweet and easy to love!!
We were so spoiled this time to have both of our parents come and stay with us to help with the baby. We loved every minute of it, and the kids loved the attention. It was hard to say good-bye knowing I would be on our own and very our numbered. Here are Luke's parents with our group.Here are my parents with the our crazies.